
Web&mobile app to manage school crossing guards scheduling

Guards are assigned to crosswalks, and their attendance is detected with an App. A dashboard is available to administrative staff at the head office to monitor Guard locations and timing in real-time.

To address the client's needs we decided to automate all processes as much as we can.
On the site, there is the possibility to pick up the guard that is the most suitable for servicing a particular location. When the system searches for available employees, the next things will be taken into account: the guard's schedule, holidays and booked leaves assigned shifts, the distance between the guard's home and working area. A lot of reports:
* Guard location tracking - a map with the trajectory of movement of the guard, it shows if the guard left the geofence or not.
* On which particular area spent the most time.
* Attendance report - with the possibility to run it for any needed period. This report shows the amount of shifts per day, how many of them where covered, who covered the shift(guard name), the total percentage of coverage, the total number of crosswalks, etc.
* Which shifts don't have assigned guards and need to be assigned today.
Dashboard - functionality that gives the possibility to see guards' attendance in real-time, whether an employee checked in on time, checked out earlier, was late or absent. On the website, there are different roles, and for each role, the same data is represented in the most suitable way.

As a result, we got an application that helps staff to make their life easier and saves their time. Very easy to manage needed tasks, analyze the performance of employees, and prepare reports for customers. Probably the most significant is the time saved for guards management and collecting the data because of implemented automation.

Release Date
6 months
Canadian Security Services

GPS, Navigation & GIS | Logistics | Other industries
Development / Web | Development / Mobile Apps | Development / iPhone Apps | Design / Web Apps | Design / Mobile Apps
.NET / Core (5.x) | DB / MS SQL | Typescript | Firebase