
iOS app porting to Android for smart fitness bands

About the client

STRAFFR is a young startup that develops intelligent fitness bands managed through their mobile app. During workout sessions with the band, users receive a workout analysis and real-time feedback. This helps customers improve their performance while exercising at home. 

The challenge 

Having an iOS app already on the market, STRAFFR decided to expand their user base by building an Android version of the app. They looked for a reliable partner with experience in mobile app porting and habitual UI/UX development for Android users. 

Delivered value

Lemberg ported STRAFFR’s iOS app to Android and integrated OTA firmware updates for both operating systems. Our designers effectively adapted the app’s UI and UX for the convenience of end-users.

The process

At first, the client provided Lemberg with access to the latest iOS version on TestFlight for us to test its functionality, go through user flows, and analyze the scope of work more precisely. Next, STRAFFR ensured that we could use their backend hosted in Firebase. We assessed communication between the server and the app to finalize our detailed estimate and then started our work on the project.

Lemberg engineers ported the data processing part and recreated Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and database layers (Firebase) from scratch using appropriate Android SDK and iOS code as a reference. Having the Firebase documentation examined, we created Java methods analogous to those in Swift for user management, statistics formation, and more.

The part of the class responsible for data processing had to be ported from iOS to Android. This piece controlled counting the number of repetitions made by a user while doing exercises. Due to its complex structure, we decided to divide the original class and convert it into Kotlin since it’s semantically close to Swift. Other parts of the Android app were implemented using Java. 

On top of that, the Lemberg team implemented an OTA update delivery system for both operating systems. We needed to integrate it into the app for seamless STRAFFR’s band updates. The client offered to contact the hardware chip manufacturer whose product they used in their device. STRAFFR requested a demo version of the manufacturer’s app that allowed uploading new firmware to any device with their chip. This app included data on how to work with the manufacturer’s Bluetooth module. We extracted the code responsible for OTA updates and incorporated it into the client’s app, using Swift for iOS and Java for the Android version. 

Our engineers also had to overcome BLE issues on Android because each smartphone vendor implements the Bluetooth technology differently. Bluetooth modules, their drivers, and vendor-specific implementation influence a device’s functionality, meaning that in certain cases, it works in a distinct way when paired with different Android smartphones. Because of that, there was a chance that the app wouldn’t connect to the band properly on some Android devices. To avoid OS compatibility issues, we tested our app on different Android smartphones available in our QA office.

The client didn’t have designs for the Android version of the app, so Lemberg designers adapted the iOS version. We changed the settings bar for the convenience of people who prefer Android OS, but left the bottom navigation practically unchanged to ensure that iOS users wouldn’t be confused if they switched to an Android smartphone. Our designers only adjusted the size of its bars and reduced blurring. We followed the guidelines available on material design and while working on the Android app’s design, comparing the two operating systems and implementing the necessary adjustments.   

6 months

Development / iPhone Apps | Development / Android Apps | Design / Mobile Apps
iOS / Swift | Android / Java | Android / Kotlin