

Platform: WEB, Mobile (iOS, Android)

Technologies: PHP (Laravel), ElasticSearch, AWS, Web sockets, PostgreSQL, Redis.

Tools: PHP Storm, Docker Containers, Jenkins (CI), webpack, VSCode, TSLint, JMeter, Postman

Country: UK

Year completed: 2020

Industry: SaaS

Size of Team: 12

Project Statement:

Grafter is a cost-saving service that provides businesses with a possibility to find, book, and pay short-term workers directly, avoiding inconvenient intermediaries. If you are a contingent worker, who can’t find a job, Grafter will assist you as well.

Development approach:

The team realized that the application would be potentially used by dozens of thousands of people, who would use it to find employees or employers. For this purpose, the team used Elasticsearch engine and AWS cloud service to store all the data.


Besides, Grafter provides 3 different solution options so businesses of any size can use it depending on their requirements.

- “self-service” or “pay as you go” online solution designed for a single user with a business.

- subscription-based “enterprise solution” that grants a whole spectre of options to manage a higher volume of Grafters with multiple business users.

The “bespoke solution” that grants a set of software interfaces and services in addition to the regular Grafter user experience.

36 months
Great Britain
