
Connect, a one-stop-shop solution ​ ​

The project is a one-stop-shop solution to offer the most comprehensive and customized platform to link skilled technicians with customer requests and a full cycle of project management in setting, renovating, and maintaining the heating and cooling equipment. ​



There was a huge need for a unified solution that might include everything needed to properly manage all day-to-day operational work for a company that specialized in setting, renovating, and maintaining the heating and cooling equipment. ​

So, the customer's request was to be able to go live in 3 months. However, the system had only prebuit basic functionality. It should also include the integration with QuickBook and setting up synchronization. ​




This solution includes the functionality set for operation managers, sales representatives, account managers, and technicians, which allows for the full cycle of contract management, project management, invoicing generation, and payment procedures.​​​​

12 months
A company specializing in the installation, repair and maintenance of heating and cooling equipment

Banking | Financial services
Development / Web | Cybersecurity & Data Protection | Software Quality Assurance | IT Consulting | Design / Mobile Apps
NodeJS | Mobile / Xamarin | Mobile / React Native | AWS | JavaScript